Throughout our economic history, new types of resources, new technologies and new ways of organizing the market have necessitated a reconsideration of how intellectual property rights operate. History is littered
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The President of the European Commission, Ursula van der Leyen, told MEPs on 8 June that a radical reform of the electricity market was needed. For her, “the electricity market
In Douglas Adams’ 1979 classic, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the supercomputer, Deep Thought, discovered that the ultimate answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything is “42”. Unfortunately, no
A very dry summer alongside a low supply of fertilizer and energy spikes have created the perfect storm for the European agricultural sector, with staple crops like sunflower and grain
A couple days ago, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen gave a speech on the “State of the European Union” in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. She
The Sars-Cov-2 pandemic underscored that French medicine could tear apart over opinions. However, this “medicine of opinion” was not born with the pandemic. Rather, emergency situations unveil the cognitive and
Being Pro-Covid 19 Vaccines and Pro-transparency are not mutually exclusive – ending all mandates globally and accessing the raw data is now essential to restore trust
The development of safe and highly effective vaccines starting long before the 20th century has been one of medicine’s greatest achievements. The prominent scars on the arms of billions of
Soil Conservation Agriculture : How to help farmers accelerate the transition to avoid a famine.
Today all international organizations are announcing the biggest food crisis in history. The most visible culprit is obviously Putin and his personal war on Ukraine, an important agricultural exporting country,
New Plant Genomic Techniques (NGT): an ongoing public consultation to modify European regulation.
On July 25, 2018, a judgment of the European Court of Justice (EUCJ) indicates that all products resulting from new genome modification techniques (NGT) after 2001 fall under European regulations
“The Nutri-Score, a system straight from the 1980s” Jean-Michel Lecerf (interview)
Having worked in Lille for his entire career, both at the Lille Regional Hospital and at the Pasteur Institute where he founded a department on nutrition, Jean-Michel Lecerf is one