World leaders must make massive investments in agriculture to avert an imminent food catastrophe by 2050. This is the urgent message of an unprecedented open letter* published on January 14
All posts in Agriculture
A study published in Science Advances reveals how some of the first humans arrived in Tasmania over 41,000 years ago, about 2,000 years earlier than previously thought. The study suggests
Curious about where the EU currently stands on regulating green biotechnology? For a comprehensive overview, dive into our exclusive three-way interview with Catherine Regnault-Roger*, Michel Thibier**, and Alain Toppan***, all
The interaction between birds, bees, and bats significantly increases the quantity and quality of macadamia nuts, according to a study published in Ecological Applications. In addition, the effectiveness of their
World’s least polluting countries at a greater risk of flooding caused by climate change
People who live in the smallest countries — which contribute least to climate change — already suffer most of its devastating consequences. The burden is likely to increase, according to
The European Union is in the process of financing two research programs with public funds developing a new tillage tool intended, according to its designers, to “store atmospheric CO₂ in
Microplastic is increasingly polluting our environment, coming into contact with bees and other insects. When bees ingest these plastic particles, they damage their organs and change their behaviour, which in
Stressed bees are more likely to make pessimistic choices, according to a study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The team from Newcastle University, UK, found that bumblebees
Cranes have a complex relationship with their environment, according to a study published in PNAS. An international team, including researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior In Germany,
Growing crops to produce biomethane produces three times more CO2 than using natural gas, according to a study published in Nature Climate Change. There has been a rapid increase in