World leaders must make massive investments in agriculture to avert an imminent food catastrophe by 2050. This is the urgent message of an unprecedented open letter* published on January 14
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Employing people with disabilities in hotels enhances social responsibility and boosts customers’ intentions to recommend to others and return, according to a study published in the International Journal of Hospitality
The basic ability to understand language and develop technology may have evolved before humans and apes diverged millions of years ago, according to a study published in the journal PeerJ.
Changes in ocean density significantly impact the rate at which marine plankton can use carbon and incorporate it into their shells, according to a study published in the journal Royal
Women who experience severe health complications during their first pregnancy are less likely to want more children, according to a study published by JAMA. The researchers from the Karolinska Institutet,
A team of researchers from University College London, UK, created the world’s thinnest spaghetti, according to a study published in Nanoscale Advances. The spaghetti — about 200 times thinner than
A study published in Science Advances reveals how some of the first humans arrived in Tasmania over 41,000 years ago, about 2,000 years earlier than previously thought. The study suggests
There are 14 million episodes of self-harm every year, but this condition remains widely neglected worldwide, according to a report published by Lancet. The report, carried out by a team
Toxins from remipede crabs found in Mexican caves may have significant pharmacological potential, according to a study published in BMC Biology. Many animals use venoms for protection or hunting. Certain
Dogs understand us better if we speak slower, according to a study published in the open-access journal PLOS Biology. A team of researchers from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, showed