Curious about where the EU currently stands on regulating green biotechnology? For a comprehensive overview, dive into our exclusive three-way interview with Catherine Regnault-Roger*, Michel Thibier**, and Alain Toppan***, all
All posts in CRISPR-Cas 9
“Genetic Engineering” (GE) has been practiced by humans for more than 10,000 years, first by selecting and hybridizing plants. For almost half a century, newer molecular GE techniques have been
A very dry summer alongside a low supply of fertilizer and energy spikes have created the perfect storm for the European agricultural sector, with staple crops like sunflower and grain
On the occasion of the publication of a new edition of the collective work Plant Biotechnology. Experience and Future Prospects, edited by Agnès Ricroch, Surinder Chopra, Marcel Kuntz (Springer, 2021)
In the midst of the Farm to Fork (F2F) debate and the renegotiation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the European Scientist gives the floor to Pierre Pagesse, one of
This piece is written by three experts who are part of the heads of two European associations, the WGG (Wissenschaftlerkreis Grüne Gentechnik e.V) in Germany and the AFBV (Association Française
Genome editing biotechnologies: UEAA calls for a revision of European regulations on genetically modified organisms.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded in this year 2020 to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna for the discovery of a new genome editing tool, so-called CRISPR-Cas technique, a
The Chinese scientist behind the gene-edited babies controversy has been sentenced to three years in jail. The court in Shenzen found scientist Jiankui He guilty of illegal practice and the