Most bird watchers are not familiar with the concept of bird-friendly coffee or how this product can help bird populations, according to a study published in the journal People and Nature
All posts in Agriculture
In cities and towns, private home gardens are the most critical food source for pollinating insects, such as bees and butterflies, according to new research published in the Journal of
The goals of the Paris Agreement aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will never be achieved without considerable changes in farming practices, according to a study published in Nature (1).
The importance of below-ground biodiversity, as well as its complex interaction with the above-ground world, is often overlooked, according to a recent UN report. Soil is not only vital to
The world needs an intergovernmental panel for food systems to help reset how food systems function in the same way the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has shaped climate
“Gene editing has been a formidable breakthrough”, says Michel Thibier, past president of UEAA (Interview)
Previously we’ve published an article about Union Européenne des Académies d’Agriculture calling for a revision of European regulations on genetically modified organisms. Michel Thibier, past President of the UEAA (Union Européenne des
A more globalised world has come with many benefits, including higher standards of living around the world, access to new markets, and lower-cost products. However, globalisation is also decreasing the
Genome editing biotechnologies: UEAA calls for a revision of European regulations on genetically modified organisms.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded in this year 2020 to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna for the discovery of a new genome editing tool, so-called CRISPR-Cas technique, a
Even if the world stopped burning all fossil fuels today, that would not be enough to keep global temperatures below a 1.5° to 2°C increase above preindustrial levels. Fossil fuel
Financial institutions are ‘bankrolling’ biodiversity loss and ecosystem destruction on an unprecedented scale, according to a new analysis released last week by, a collaborative effort among individual finance, economics,